Class JavaKeyStoreSecureStoreConfig


public class JavaKeyStoreSecureStoreConfig
extends SecureStoreConfig
Java KeyStore Secure Store configuration.

The Java KeyStore Secure Store exposes (symmetric) encryption keys stored in a Java KeyStore with path, type, and password as specified by getType(), getPath(), and getPassword(), respectively. The Java KeyStore SecureStore loads all symmetric keys available in the KeyStore and treats them as versions of a single key. More specifically:

  • If an alias for the current encryption key is set (see setCurrentKeyAlias(String)), the corresponding KeyStore entry is treated as the current version of the encryption key, while any other entries are treated as historical versions of the encryption key.
  • If an alias for the current encryption key is not set, the KeyStore entry with an alias that comes last in alphabetical order is treated as the current version of the encryption key, while any other entries are treated as historical versions of the encryption key.
  • The KeyStore entries are expected to use the same password as the KeyStore.
The Java KeyStore can also poll the KeyStore for changes at preconfigured interval (disabled by default).

Only file-based KeyStores are supported.