Uses of Class

Packages that use Tag 
Package Description
Contains AggregateOperation and several its variants, as well as a builder object for the aggregate operations.
Generic data containers used by the Pipeline API.
The Pipeline API is Jet's high-level API to build and execute distributed computation jobs.
  • Uses of Tag in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate

    Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate that return Tag 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    <R> Tag<R> AllOfAggregationBuilder.add​(AggregateOperation1<? super T,​?,​R> operation)
    Adds the supplied aggregate operation to the composite.
    <T,​ R> Tag<R> CoAggregateOperationBuilder.add​(Tag<T> tag, AggregateOperation1<? super T,​?,​? extends R> operation)
    Registers the given aggregate operation with the tag corresponding to an input to the co-aggregating operation being built.
    Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.aggregate with parameters of type Tag 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default <T> BiConsumerEx<? super A,​? super T> AggregateOperation.accumulateFn​(Tag<T> tag)
    A primitive that updates the accumulator state to account for a new item.
    <T,​ R> Tag<R> CoAggregateOperationBuilder.add​(Tag<T> tag, AggregateOperation1<? super T,​?,​? extends R> operation)
    Registers the given aggregate operation with the tag corresponding to an input to the co-aggregating operation being built.
    <T> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<A,​Void> AggregateOperationBuilder.andAccumulate​(Tag<T> tag, BiConsumerEx<? super A,​? super T> accumulateFn)
    Registers the accumulate primitive for the stream tagged with the supplied tag.
    <T> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity<A,​R> AggregateOperationBuilder.VarArity.andAccumulate​(Tag<T> tag, BiConsumerEx<? super A,​T> accumulateFn)
    Registers the accumulate primitive for the stream tagged with the supplied tag.
  • Uses of Tag in com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel

    Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel that return Tag 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static <T> Tag<T> Tag.tag​(int index)
    Returns a tag object associated with the specified index.
    static <T> Tag<T> Tag.tag0()
    Returns the tag constant TAG_0.
    static <T> Tag<T> Tag.tag1()
    Returns the tag constant TAG_1.
    static <T> Tag<T> Tag.tag2()
    Returns the tag constant TAG_2.
    Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.datamodel with parameters of type Tag 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int Tag.compareTo​(Tag<?> that)  
    <E> E ItemsByTag.get​(Tag<E> tag)
    Retrieves the value associated with the supplied tag and throws an exception if there is none.
    <E> void ItemsByTag.put​(Tag<E> tag, E value)
    Associates the supplied value with the supplied tag.
  • Uses of Tag in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline

    Methods in com.hazelcast.jet.pipeline that return Tag 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    <T,​ R> Tag<R> AggregateBuilder.add​(BatchStage<T> stage, AggregateOperation1<? super T,​?,​? extends R> aggrOp)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the aggregate operation to be performed.
    <T> Tag<T> AggregateBuilder1.add​(BatchStage<T> stage)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the aggregate operation to be performed.
    <K,​ T1_IN,​ T1>
    GeneralHashJoinBuilder.add​(BatchStage<T1_IN> stage, JoinClause<K,​T0,​T1_IN,​T1> joinClause)
    Adds another contributing pipeline stage to the hash-join operation.
    <T,​ R> Tag<R> GroupAggregateBuilder.add​(BatchStageWithKey<T,​K> stage, AggregateOperation1<? super T,​?,​? extends R> aggrOp)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the aggregate operation to be performed.
    <T> Tag<T> GroupAggregateBuilder1.add​(BatchStageWithKey<T,​K> stage)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the aggregate operation to be performed.
    <T,​ R> Tag<R> WindowAggregateBuilder.add​(StreamStage<T> stage, AggregateOperation1<? super T,​?,​? extends R> aggrOp)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the aggregate operation to be performed.
    <E> Tag<E> WindowAggregateBuilder1.add​(StreamStage<E> stage)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the aggregate operation to be performed.
    <T,​ R> Tag<R> WindowGroupAggregateBuilder.add​(StreamStageWithKey<T,​K> stage, AggregateOperation1<? super T,​?,​? extends R> aggrOp)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the windowed group-and-aggregate stage being constructed.
    <T> Tag<T> WindowGroupAggregateBuilder1.add​(StreamStageWithKey<T,​K> stage)
    Adds another stage that will contribute its data to the windowed group-and-aggregate stage being constructed.
    <K,​ T1_IN,​ T1>
    GeneralHashJoinBuilder.addInner​(BatchStage<T1_IN> stage, JoinClause<K,​T0,​T1_IN,​T1> joinClause)
    Adds another contributing pipeline stage to the hash-join operation.
    Tag<R0> AggregateBuilder.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.
    Tag<T0> AggregateBuilder1.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.
    Tag<R0> GroupAggregateBuilder.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.
    Tag<T0> GroupAggregateBuilder1.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.
    Tag<R0> WindowAggregateBuilder.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.
    Tag<T0> WindowAggregateBuilder1.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.
    Tag<R0> WindowGroupAggregateBuilder.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.
    Tag<T0> WindowGroupAggregateBuilder1.tag0()
    Returns the tag corresponding to the pipeline stage this builder was obtained from.