Class GrpcServices


public final class GrpcServices
extends Object
Provides ServiceFactory implementations for calling gRPC endpoints. The ServiceFactory created are designed to be used with the mapUsingServiceAsync transform.

Currently two types of gRPC services are supported:

  • Method Details

    • unaryService

      @Nonnull public static <T,​ R> ServiceFactory<?,​? extends GrpcService<T,​R>> unaryService​(@Nonnull SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel,​? extends BiConsumerEx<T,​io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>>> callStubFn)
      Creates a ServiceFactory that calls out to a unary gRPC service.

      For example, given the protobuf definition below:

       service Greeter {
         // Sends a greeting
         rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
      We can create the following service factory:
       ServiceFactory<?, ? extends GrpcService<HelloRequest, HelloResponse> greeterService = unaryService(
           () -> ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 5000).usePlaintext(),
           channel -> GreeterGrpc.newStub(channel)::sayHello
      where GreeterGrpc is the class auto-generated by the protobuf compiler.

      The created ServiceFactory should be used with the mapUsingServiceAsync transform as follows:

       Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
       p.readFrom(TestSources.items("one", "two", "three", "four"))
           .mapUsingServiceAsync(greeterService, (service, input) -> {
               HelloRequest request = HelloRequest.newBuilder().setName(input).build();

      The remote end can signal an error for a given input item. In that case the CompletableFuture returned from will be completed with that exception. To catch and handle it, use the CompletableFuture API.

      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the request object
      R - type of the response object
      channelFn - creates the channel builder. A single channel is created per Jet member and shared among the processor instances.
      callStubFn - a function which, given a channel, creates the stub and returns a function that calls the stub given the input item and the observer. It will be called once per input item.
    • bidirectionalStreamingService

      @Nonnull public static <T,​ R> ServiceFactory<?,​? extends GrpcService<T,​R>> bidirectionalStreamingService​(@Nonnull SupplierEx<? extends io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder<?>> channelFn, @Nonnull FunctionEx<? super io.grpc.ManagedChannel,​? extends FunctionEx<io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<R>,​io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<T>>> callStubFn)
      Creates a ServiceFactory that calls out to a bidrectional streaming gRPC service. This may provide better throughput compared to the unaryService(SupplierEx, FunctionEx) unary} service because all communication happens within a single gRPC call, eliminating some overheads.

      For example, given the protobuf definition below:

       service Greeter {
         // Sends a greeting
         rpc SayHello (stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloReply) {}
      We can create the following service factory:
       ServiceFactory<?, ? extends GrpcService<HelloRequest, HelloResponse> greeterService =
               () -> ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 5000).usePlaintext(),
               channel -> GreeterGrpc.newStub(channel)::sayHello
      where GreeterGrpc is the auto-generated class by the protobuf compiler.

      The created ServiceFactory should be used in the * used with the mapUsingServiceAsync transform as follows:

       Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
       p.readFrom(TestSources.items("one", "two", "three", "four"))
           .mapUsingServiceAsync(greeterService, (service, input) -> {
               HelloRequest request = HelloRequest.newBuilder().setName(input).build();

      The remote end can signal an error for a given input item. In that case the CompletableFuture returned from will be completed with that exception. To catch and handle it, use the CompletableFuture API.

      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the request object
      R - type of the response object
      channelFn - creates the channel builder. A single channel is created per Jet member and shared among the processor instances.
      callStubFn - a function which, given a channel, creates the stub and returns a function that calls the stub given the input item and the observer. It will be called once per input item.